The success of your company relies on the skills of your employees. Putting the right person in the right job can be the difference between success and failure, not just for the employee but also for the project.

Part of effective management is identifying your employee’s strengths, and weaknesses, and then assigning jobs and projects accordingly. Everyone has different skills. They excel at some things and fail at others. That is perfectly natural. The key to your success is playing to your employee’s strengths and using their skills effectively. You’re not going to ask a graphic designer to sell advertising space, that’s not what you employed them to do.

Clearly define different roles within your business

Before you can match your employee’s skill set to a job role, you need to clearly define the job. You can’t match a person to a project if you don’t what it entails. The first step is to draw up a clear and precise job description. Don’t be vague. Describe the job in detail, including the tasks, functions, and responsibilities. Next list the skills, experience, and capabilities that are required to carry out the work. Include a section where you list the soft skills need to perform the job effectively.

When you have a clearly defined job description, with a list of skills, it will be easier to identify those skills in your employees. Remember, your employees don’t have to excel at everything, they have to excel at the job they are employed to do. Only once you have identified the job requirements, can you find employees who have the skills, personality, and experience to fulfill the role.

Use the tools at your disposal to evaluate your employee’s skill set

There are many programs and test out there to help you identify your employee’s skill sets. Use these to gain a better understanding of the people working for you, and how best to utilize their skills.

Are they creative, great at sales, good organizers, managers, and can they perform under pressure? These are all things you need to know before you can assign certain jobs to certain people.

It is also important to take into account personality characteristics. If two people have the same level of skills and experience, it is best to give the job to the one whose personal preference best fits your requirements.

Assign tasks related to skills

You’re not always going to be able to only assign employee’s work that they enjoy. They are going to have to do jobs that don’t inspire them but the more you focus on their strengths, and they’re able to use their skills, the more they’ll enjoy the work and the better they’ll perform.

Re-evaluate regularly

Matching an employee’s skill set to a job role is not a one-off exercise. In a healthy working environment, with strong leadership, people will grow and change. It is important to re-evaluate your employee’s skills regularly and assign projects accordingly.

Studies show that employees perform better, and are more productive and engaged when they focus on using their skills rather than improving their weaknesses. People work harder, and excel at what they do when they are confident and passionate about their work.

About the Author: Jocelyn Pick