How technology affects HRM practices
This is a guest post from Asma Niaz. Asma is an Academic writer at Zoe Talent Solutions who loves to write stellar content on various educational topics, programs, trainings and courses. Zoe Talent Solutions is a premium teaching division, which offers highly professional HR courses to excel at your workplace. Information technology plays a great role in this modern era of machines. It replaces humans with machines and efforts with electronic signals. Nowadays, informational technology [...]
Key Behavioral Indicators for Employees
Key behavioral indicators for employees can help you to measure and reward high-performance. By predetermining which performance factors contribute positively to the organization or positively to an individual role, you can create a framework with which to measure success beyond simply meeting the requirements of the job. Key behavioral indicators are a crucial element of competency frameworks, because they give you the tools to guide leaders to accurately measure employee performance based on factors that [...]
Workforce planning and analysis: 5 best practices
Workforce planning and analysis can help you to streamline hiring and recruitment, reduce employee turnover, and reduce or eliminate skills and talent gaps. Using workforce analysis to plan HR activities is good business, but it is important to do it right. Unfortunately, most companies are bad at workforce planning. With no real idea of how to predict future talent needs and no way to easily measure what's missing, many businesses set unachievable targets or the [...]
5 Ways to Improve Decision-Making Skills
This is a guest post from Gemma Reeves. Gemma is a seasoned writer who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur who is engaged in assisting other aspiring entrepreneurs in finding the best office space for their business. Check out her company at FindMyWorkspace. Decision making is among the many things in [...]
Love, Life, and Work: Well-Being as a Survival Skill [Webinar]
Join us on Valentine's Day at 1 p.m. for a free webinar on well-being and how to love yourself! In this 1-hour webinar, we'll go over self-awareness, acceptance, how the brain works, and why you feel what you feel. With the fast and furious advancement of the digital age, we navigate through our daily life mindlessly. It’s essential sometimes to breathe, move slow, and look inwards. The journey of loving others and being in a state of [...]