Employee Retention

How to Implement Effective Performance Appraisal Methods: A Quick Guide

Besides being critical to well-functioning organizations, effective performance appraisals give leaders opportunities to boost morale, build successful teams, and cultivate a positive workplace. While these structured approaches aim to identify areas for improvement and implement the appropriate solutions, employees may find evaluations daunting, as they reveal flaws in their past work. Leaders, however, can transform performance reviews into insightful, constructive discussions, thus improving productivity, engagement, and retention across the company. To help you understand how [...]

How to Increase Employee Retention and Nurture a Healthy Workplace

Employee retention is one of the biggest concerns for human resources (HR). Your team’s loyalty not only reflects the company’s culture and productivity but also impacts its hiring and recruitment costs. Although your organization can’t prevent turnover completely, there are certain steps it can take to retain quality personnel. The process involves answering key questions such as: Do you know your current and potential employees’ needs and work hard to meet them? Do you encourage [...]

By |March 26, 2024|Categories: Employee Retention|0 Comments

Upskilling and reskilling employees to reduce turnover

Digitization, cloud tooling, and fluctuating customers are a steady source of change for organizations. To keep up with these external influences, businesses will reorganize, restructure, and reinvent themselves, with ramifications felt throughout the entire organization (e.g., new work methodologies, tool adoptions, branches being dissolved, mergers).  While change can be positive, it does impact your personnel and their relevance to your organization. As your business changes, so do roles and skills requirements, which can leave people [...]

By |August 22, 2023|Categories: Employee Retention, Learning and Development|0 Comments

How to Prevent Employee Turnover With Predictive Analytics

On average, 24% of employees research new job opportunities annually, with 46.6 million Americans quitting their jobs in 2022 alone. Employee turnover is one of the largest expenses organizations face. Estimates show replacing an employee costs an average of six to nine months of their annual salary — which can total in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on the role. Reducing that churn saves your organization significantly on advertising costs, assessing talent pools, [...]

By |March 28, 2023|Categories: Employee Retention|0 Comments

7 Tactics To Prevent Burnout in Your Employees

Employee stress is at an all-time high. Unlike previous generations that could easily decompress once they left work, employees today have to be available constantly and are often asked to learn an ever-changing set of skills, as well as frequently adapt to new technology. That combined with other work stressors from leadership, high workloads, commutes, and colleagues creates an environment where many feel strained. As a result, 52% of all employees on average experience burnout [...]

By |February 28, 2023|Categories: Employee Retention, Talent Management|0 Comments
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