May 26, 2013 – AWARDING of Certificates of Accreditation

(left to right) Commissioner Robert S. Martinez, Jocelyn R Pick, Commissioner Nieves L. Osorio and CSI Executive Director Agnes Padilla
On behalf of the Commission, allow me to congratulate the 11 CSC accredited training institutions:
- ACG Human Capital Solutions Corp.
- Ancilla Enterprise Development Consulting, Inc.
- ATENEO Center for Organization Research and Development
- Centre for Leadership and Change, Inc.
- Development Center for Asia Africa Pacific, Inc.
- First Pacific Leadership Academy
- Human Capital Asia, Inc.
- Investors in People Philippines-Inspiring Partners, Inc.
- People SparX, Inc.
- Profiles Asia Pacific, Inc.
- SAIDI Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute
We also thank you for joining us in the Program and in this simple ceremony managed by the Civil Service Institute to officially welcome you as our partners in HR and OD in the bureaucracy.
Your accreditation means that from this time on, you are one with us committing to realize our vision of becoming the country’s leading center of excellence for strategic HR and OD in 2015, in Southeast Asia in 2022 and in the whole of Asia in 2030.
The vision is indeed challenging but we have already started the engine running through the CSC Strategic Reform Agenda – Performance Governance System (PGS), our dashboard that tells us where we are and how far we must go in meeting and even exceeding our targets and goals.
Fueling our engine towards meeting our vision are various HR initiatives. We have the Competency- based HR systems – from recruitment to learning and development, to promotion; the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management or PRIME HRM that assesses and assists government agencies in their HR systems to be at par with the global standards. The agencies are either awarded in the end as Centers of Excellence for best practices in some or all of the human resource management areas or conferred with Seal of Excellence for their pivotal role in the development/innovation of HRM areas; and the Strategic Performance Management System, a performance management system that links individual performance to organizational productivity and utilizes Coaching as a major development intervention.
Finally, the Commission is embarking on a Certification program which is an alternative mode of meeting the education requirement of master’s degree for appointment to division chief and executive/managerial positions and as additional training requirement for appointment to executive/managerial positions. CSC will tap ATIs for the training component, in addition to our 16 regional offices tapping ATIs for program exclusively run by them.
With these initiatives and programs, the CSC with only about 1,300 women and men as drivers and operators serving the 1.5 million civil servants need help. We need partners. We need you – ATIs. We bank on your expertise, being high caliber training institutions. Since the provision of external training services is ISO certified, we can not afford not to partner with you. What you have mirrors the hallmarks of what ISO certification is. Our partnership is indispensable if only to speed up our country’s development through HROD, as a matter of fact.
Hence, the accreditation of training intuitions is a major strategy built in solid public-private partnership all in the name of integrity and public service excellence.
We have started our official partnership today, and we shall never let the lights off as we continuously pursue the bright future of the bureaucracy. We will do this hand in hand by engaging, enabling, empowering, and energizing the Filipino servant heroes through quality training programs using cutting-edge technology with master trainers and subject matter experts.
At this point, the Commission wishes you blessing for this endeavor. May we all prosper by helping the civil service learn and develop!
Thank you. And again, congratulations!
-Chairman Francisco T. Duque III, MD, MSc