Profiles Asia Pacific

Use social media to generate holiday buzz around your brand

The holidays are noisy, and not just in the bustling-city, crowded-shopping-mall sense of the word. Advertisements and sale signs hang in shop windows, brightly colored billboards and loud commercials scream at consumers to come buy gifts at this store, or that mall. Advertisements assault the senses, with visual ads plastered on almost every flat surface you can find, radio ads that play between songs, and even online ads on websites and in your inboxes. Retail [...]

4 Holiday Mistakes for Employers to Avoid

Getting excited for the holiday season? So are your employees! Avoid stepping on any toes and keep the holidays a happy time by avoiding a few common mistakes. Expecting too much The holidays are a busy time for everyone, and demanding employees work during their days off just because it's the "busy season" is going to be detrimental to employee loyalty and morale. Don't expect your employees to put their work above their families and [...]

Marketing Checklist for the Holidays

The "ber" months are notorious for being the busiest time of the year for businesses. Consumers are searching markets for presents and holiday bonuses, and the price wars rage as "sale" signs hang in every other window. With so much competition, here's a quick and easy checklist to follow to make sure your marketing team has everything ready for the last crucial stretch of December. Website Your website is your online ambassador, and can reach [...]

Determining Job Fit

What is Job Fit? “Based on identifying innate personality traits, abilities, and behaviors, assessing for job fit determines if a person CAN do a job, HOW they will do a job, and if they will ENJOY the position…Job fit outlines the unique job-related qualities that make a person productive.” - Aoife Gorey, Profiles International Job fit, as its name implies, refers to how well an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, experience, and interests fit the requirements [...]

By |December 4, 2014|Categories: Talent Management|Tags: , |0 Comments
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