Profiles Asia Pacific

How to Manage Productive Teams

Image from "The Office" There is no magic key to unlocking team productivity. Great team cohesiveness comes from hard work, communication, and a dedicated leader. According to the Harvard Business Review, Gallup has found good managers motivate employees with a compelling mission and vision, drive outcomes despite of adversity and resistance, “create a culture of clear accountability,” and make decisions based on “productivity, not politics.” Managers play pivotal roles in a team’s success, [...]

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. – Stephen Covey A wide range of skills is important in every business. Each company needs different departments that specialize in different fields. Much like skills, a variety of cultures also adds a desired dimension to businesses. This office diversity is vital to a business' innovation and creativity, and it is something that human resources is both a curator and gatekeeper for. Why is Diversity Important? A diverse [...]

Office Dress Codes: Where to Draw the Line

The Philippines is a tropical country; it gets hot, humid and sticky every day unless it rains. With such temperamental weather, it makes sense for residents to dress in shorts, flip-flops and tank tops. However, depending on what kind of business you run, this may not be appropriate attire for employees. Setting a dress code can be useful for reigning in the inappropriate attire, but you must be careful not to breach any [...]

Talent Management Challenges for Small Companies

Start-ups may experience a number of growing pains as they begin their ambitious ventures, and eventually develop into successful businesses. Below are some of the common mistakes to look out for if you are starting, or current running a small company. Hiring Right the First Time Making sure you hire the right person in the first place will save your company money, and, more importantly, time. If someone is placed in an ill-fitting [...]

Evaluating Employee Assessments in the Philippines

Assessments can range anywhere from a free IQ test you can take online to a scientific exam that measures participant answers based on a wealth of research and history. Below is an evaluative breakdown of how the best assessment tools function, as modeled by the ProfileXT exam. What makes an assessment thorough and reliable? Customizable – All companies, candidates and positions are unique. You shouldn’t be using one generalized test that overlooks the differences between [...]

By |October 23, 2014|Categories: Talent Management|Tags: , |0 Comments
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