
Attracting Local Talent: How to Improve Your Recruitment in the Philippines

Across regions, the differences in recruitment practices can be more defined than you think, as they're influenced by each country's culture and values. Failing to recognize and appropriately respond to them, meanwhile, can lead to serious issues. To improve your talent acquisition efforts in the Philippines, we'll offer insight into its critical variables.

By |May 29, 2024|Categories: Talent Management|Tags: , , |0 Comments

3 Steps to Improving Your Business Success

Businesses are constantly evolving to adapt to industry trends and consumer needs. Continuous improvement is a necessity to stay current with clients and remain the brand of choice for your target audience. Thanks to modern technology and innovative solutions, improving your business is possible with a dedicated investment and a few crucial steps. Strategize Have a clear strategy that you revisit periodically Every company needs to have a clear direction in order to grow and [...]

Talent Management Challenges for Small Companies

Start-ups may experience a number of growing pains as they begin their ambitious ventures, and eventually develop into successful businesses. Below are some of the common mistakes to look out for if you are starting, or current running a small company. Hiring Right the First Time Making sure you hire the right person in the first place will save your company money, and, more importantly, time. If someone is placed in an ill-fitting [...]

Modern Business Trends: How the Philippines Compares

The 2014 International Business Report found that emerging markets such as the Philippines are modernist; with leaders who are more likely to use coaching, creativity and intuition. Modernist markets also have more women in leadership positions, and leaders of dynamic businesses are more open to a range of improvement techniques such as skills assessments and developing peer networks.

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