
How to look after your employees’ mental health

This is a guest post from Alicia Christine. Alicia is a human resource professional with expertise in employee experience and wellness. She writes for BestTechie and Techie Doodlers, and shares how businesses can be better to maximize their potential of helping better their communities and society as a whole. Find her on LinkedIn. The discussion about employee wellness and mental health is becoming more and more important all over Asia. In fact, the Department of Labor [...]

By |April 28, 2020|Categories: Culture, Motivation|0 Comments

How to Follow Up on HR Assessments and Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are a crucial element of most company cultures. At the same time, HR assessments and performance reviews are in the middle of a massive overhaul. Most organizations recognize that old-school performance reviews are more harmful than helpful and many offer little value, only demotivation. While some of this demotivation surrounds the natural process of being tested and the possibility of being found wanting, most of it relates to what is tested, how, and [...]

By |July 9, 2019|Categories: HR Assessments, Motivation, PAP|0 Comments
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