HR Assessments

How to use different assessments to optimize your workplace

You’ve probably heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder” before. Working smarter is beneficial to your business. New technologies and business strategies are making it easier than ever before to optimize your workplace and your workforce. Workforce optimization can be defined as a business strategy that utilizes key business performance metrics and insights in order to get the maximum benefit out of their employees. In other words, workforce optimization is understanding how your employees work [...]

By |May 7, 2020|Categories: HR Assessments|0 Comments

Why Businesses Trust Personality Testing (And You Should Too)

One of the most difficult elements of hiring is finding the right cultural fit for your organization. While a resume can be run through your applicant tracking system to identify keywords and ensure candidates have the required experiences and education for a position, zeroing in on who the person is and how they might play into your organization's culture isn't quite so black and white. What if you could gain insight into the personality and [...]

By |January 7, 2020|Categories: HR Assessments|0 Comments

How Should Employee Assessments Impact Business Results?

Employee assessments and performance reviews are an often-resource-intensive endeavor requiring training, time from HR, and third-party tooling for assessment, testing, and monitoring programs. Whether you’re attempting to validate the efficacy of employee assessments, attempting to streamline them to meet goals, or attempting to gain buy-in for improvements from management, understanding how these assessments do and should impact business results will help. Employee assessments exist to tell you the state of employees and their performance, which [...]

By |August 6, 2019|Categories: HR Assessments, PAP|0 Comments

How to Follow Up on HR Assessments and Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are a crucial element of most company cultures. At the same time, HR assessments and performance reviews are in the middle of a massive overhaul. Most organizations recognize that old-school performance reviews are more harmful than helpful and many offer little value, only demotivation. While some of this demotivation surrounds the natural process of being tested and the possibility of being found wanting, most of it relates to what is tested, how, and [...]

By |July 9, 2019|Categories: HR Assessments, Motivation, PAP|0 Comments

How and Why to Assess Core Values in Candidates

Value-based assessments have always been popular in organizations, but today, they’re more popular than ever. With even large-scale organizations like Southwest Airlines and Aegon adopting core-value based hiring, many businesses are wondering why and how they can do the same. Core values represent a candidate’s core beliefs relating to moral questions and answers. Most organizations benefit from learning about these values before making a hire but it’s important not to rely too heavily on value-based [...]

By |June 18, 2019|Categories: HR Assessments, PAP, Recruitment|0 Comments
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