
3 Steps to Improving Your Business Success

Businesses are constantly evolving to adapt to industry trends and consumer needs. Continuous improvement is a necessity to stay current with clients and remain the brand of choice for your target audience. Thanks to modern technology and innovative solutions, improving your business is possible with a dedicated investment and a few crucial steps. Strategize Have a clear strategy that you revisit periodically Every company needs to have a clear direction in order to grow and [...]

The Importance of Routines

Daily routines help you organize your tasks efficiently to get the most done in the least amount of time. Although it may seem tedious to set a routine and stick to it (whether it's a morning routine with toothbrushes involved or a work routine with a strict schedule), there are great benefits to sticking with a routine. It helps productivity "Peak productivity’s not about luck. It’s about devotion." - Robin Sharma Practice and repetition are [...]

Leading the Next Generation

Things are rapidly changing in the way leaders manage their talent. The leadership style needed to guide the new generations filling our workforce is vastly different from the top-down model so many of us are used to. According to Dan Schwabel in an interview, millennials leave their jobs in two years, whereas Boomers leave in about seven years and Gen X leaves in five years. They value purpose more than a salary, and are willing [...]

Find Top Qualified Candidates with Job Simulations

Finding the most qualified candidate for a job is seldom easy. Even when you think you’ve found the perfect candidates, they sometimes don’t succeed as you thought they would. Through pre-employment job simulations, recruiters can find out whether the seemingly perfect candidate will actually do well on the job. Job simulation tests present real-life work scenarios that assess how well a candidate would perform if on the job. Simulations engage candidates in environments that recreate [...]

By |January 27, 2015|Categories: Talent Management|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Testing for Hard and Soft Skills

When you’re looking for candidates to fill a position, it’s easy to see their technical skills—it’s all over their resumes in the projects they’ve worked on, their qualifications and experience. Few people write words like “integrity” and “prioritizing” on their resumes and even if they do, those words tend to be taken as filler words that don’t mean anything. But they do mean a lot. In fact, these soft skills are crucial when it comes [...]

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