Monthly Archives: July 2018

Creating the Ideal Work Environment: Avoiding Conflicts

This is a guest post by James Lambka. James is an attorney at Wiener&Lambka. It's been said that employees don't quit jobs – they quit bosses. There's a lot of truth in that, but quite a bit more to it, really. It might be more accurate to say that employees quit bad work environments, rather than quitting actual jobs. So employers, managers, and HR directors should always strive to create a great work environment – [...]

By |July 24, 2018|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments

IQ is great, but EQ is more important for your career

A high IQ and technical skills are great to have, but surprisingly, STEM (science, technology, engineering, medicine) expertise is less important than soft skills when it comes to being a top employee at Google. Hiring departments have historically prioritized technical skills, such as the ability to code in Ruby on Rails, or an understanding of Microsoft Office. Google's Project Oxygen looked at what made a great manager, and discovered that among the most important qualities of [...]

By |July 10, 2018|Categories: Emotional Intelligence|0 Comments
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