Employing Telecommuters
The future lies in finding talent wherever he or she lives. Telecommuters and virtual employees can bring dynamic energy, valuable skills, affordable labor and innovative thinking to any company.
Content Marketing vs. SEO Copywriting
Overall, writing a good blog post without knowledge of SEO still produces a better product than an uninspired article written for SEO. However, you need to pay attention to SEO in order for your story reach your target audience.
How is SEO Relevant for Human Resources?
By optimizing your website and its content, you can attract more visitors, resulting in both potential clients and great applicants.
Use Social Media to Find Good Candidates
Social media can be a job seeker's best friend... Or their worst enemy. By analyzing a candidate’s social media behavior, potential employers can see the claims in a resume enforced or refuted.
Assessing Candidates Who Aren’t Good Test-Takers
Many job seekers fear interviews because there are a spectrum of different “right” answers that change with each company.