Monthly Archives: August 2016

You’re wasting your time in meetings

Do you know how many hours your scheduled meetings are costing the company? We spend 31 unproductive hours in meetings every month, resulting in $37 billion wasted in time every year. This post outlines some common culprits for wasted meetings, and ways to minimize meeting cost while maximizing efficiency. Reasons for failed meetings Multitasking When people aren't paying attention to the content of the meeting, there's no point in having that meeting in the first place. Some [...]

By |August 25, 2016|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments

What you love vs. what you’re good at

Should you do what you love, or what you're good at? If you're lucky, the two overlap. However, if they don't, you should ask yourself where you can add the most value. This article by Brianna West states that we aren't meant to do what we love, we're meant to do what we're good at. It holds a lot of truth, the most piercing being "People usually can’t differentiate what they really love and what [...]

By |August 18, 2016|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments

How does personality play a role in competence?

Would you rather hire someone who is incredibly good at what they do, but difficult to work with, or someone with average skills but the right attitude? Your team's personality plays a large role in how they will interact with one another, how they'll treat their responsibilities, and how they'll take care of your clients. In the article Hire for Attitude, Mark Murphy states that in his research, "when new hires failed, 89% of the time [...]

By |August 11, 2016|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments

Malcolm Pick on Hiring and Talent

Josiah Go featured our CEO, Malcolm Pick's advice on client retention rate, hiring decisions, and finding the right talent. Below are a few key notes from Q&A with Profiles Asia Pacific President Malcolm Pick on Finding The Right Talent. Many small businesses aren't making use of assessments. Pick recently asked a group of HR professionals and discovered 70 percent weren't using online testing, and a little under half weren't using any testing at all. HR professions have [...]

By |August 4, 2016|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments

Profiles Asia Pacific Featured in Feedspot’s Top HR Blogs

We are proud to announce that we've made it to Feedspot's Top 200 HR Blogs list. These top HR blogs are specially curated for human resource and talent management experts. In order to make this curated list, each blog has to meet the following; Contribute thoughtful insights and analysis to the HR industry Have a loyal readership (thanks to everyone reading this!) Offer a unique voice and perspective in HR topics Publish regularly, at least [...]

By |August 2, 2016|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments
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