Monthly Archives: December 2017

5 Simple office holiday party ideas

Planning a get together for the team? Each team is unique, and would appreciate different types of holiday gatherings. Take a look at some office holiday party ideas you can draw inspiration from. Fun themed parties This is a fan favorite. Most offices like to have different themed parties each year, to mix things up and give the team something fun to aim for. Some ideas to consider are masquerade, your favorite Christmas movie, Santa's [...]

By |December 21, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

What is a social leader?

Having social leaders is crucial to building social leaderships. This means that the managers, supervisors, and leaders in your business need to understand the importance and how to practice being a social leader. This can be difficult to develop and easier to hire for, but often requires leveraging existing leadership and retraining them. Social leaders are key to bringing people together collaboratively to work towards a common goal. A social leader approaches leadership as developing the [...]

By |December 12, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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