Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Value of Learning Seminars

It is easier to build on people's strengths than to correct their weaknesses. - Malcolm Pick, National Director of Profiles Asia Pacific Learning seminars are important for employees of all levels. It provides opportunity for continual growth, allows you to learn more about a specialized topic, and in most cases provides a deeper understanding of yourself. If you are not exactly sure what to expect when attending one, here is a sample breakdown of a [...]

By |March 13, 2014|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments

Defining “Human Capital”

Human resource departments should begin considering current and potential employees in terms of human capital. Education cannot stop when someone is hired; companies need to continuously grow and improve their human capital by seeking good candidates and continually training current employees.

By |March 6, 2014|Categories: Talent Management|0 Comments
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