
Having a company-wide form of communication is beneficial because it can help build culture, disseminate information, and collect feedback. This post will go over a few things to consider when you start a internal newsletter, and some helpful tips to ensure a smooth process.

Select your newsletter platform

The first step to start an internal newsletter is to select a platform. It’s important to choose one with a good idea of what your company needs. Some email newsletter providers and expensive with a lot of features you won’t be using, whereas others are more affordable but don’t offer features you want. Look for the perfect balance between price and features. For example, if you want the option to send customized newsletters by department, your email service should allow multiple different email lists.

Determine the logistics

Who should get the replies? How often should the newsletter go out? What is the main purpose of the newsletter? How many articles should be in the newsletter? How long or short should it be? Decide on the logistics of the newsletter so once you begin setting it up there are no unanswered questions that lead to lags and a longer delivery time.

Draft a template

Set up a template that’s easy to read and allows for lots of engagement (depending on what your objectives are). If you want to share important dates, set up a calendar with events that are hyperlinked to more information. If you want to share information while keeping it engaging, design something with interesting visuals to lead the eye.

Decide on the content

99% of your newsletter content should change every single time you send it out. If you send out internal newsletters that are almost identical to each other, people will stop opening them. With each issue you should take special care to craft interesting content, include useful and relevant information, and give them an incentive to open those newsletters.

For example, you could announce the employees of the month (and their rewards) in the newsletter, so people on the team open it to check who got it.

Send it out to a few employees first

Before you email your entire company, send your internal newsletter to multiple people to read, edit and review the content. Make sure no spelling or grammar errors slip by, and check that the facts are all correct.

Have a system for feedback

Finally, as with any newsletter, you should have a good system for feedback. Have a call-to-action at the bottom that says something like; “If you have any questions about what you read, want to see something in the next newsletter, or see something that should be corrected, just hit reply.”

About the Author: Jocelyn Pick